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What do I need to do to get a Certificate of Graduation in the bootcamp?

Graduates will receive a certificate in our bootcamps, here's what you have to do to receive it.

Not all students in our bootcamps are looking to earn a certification, so while these steps are not required to continue working through the content, you should complete all of the following to receive a Certificate of Graduation:
  • Attend at least 50% of live-sessions during the first 14 weeks.
  • Submit and receive at least a passing grade on all but one homework assignment.
    • We grade on a pass/fail system. Our assignment rubrics clearly designate what needs to be done to earn a passing grade.
    • Students can resubmit the first week's assignment if needed, and can resubmit one other assignment for regrading as well.
  • Submit and receive at least a Meets Expectations grade on the final Capstone App submission.
  • Create and submit a short (1-2 minute) video to demo your Capstone App (the video itself is not graded).
  • Complete a final Exit Survey.
If you're not interested in a Certificate, or you realize partway through the bootcamp that you won't meet the requirements for graduation, that's okay! You're welcome to enroll (or stay) in the bootcamp to soak up all the feedback and guidance your mentors will offer.