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  2. Accelerator Bootcamps
  3. Information for Prospective Students

What will the assignments look like?

You'll work on real projects so that you can build out your portfolio as an app developer!

Each week of the bootcamp, you'll be given two assignments: 
  • The Content Assignment, which assigns you the books, video courses, and articles you need to read or watch to learn that week’s topic. This assignment
  • The Homework Assignment, which gives you a challenge that will let you apply your learnings and demonstrate mastery of them.
In addition to the homework assignments, in the final third of the program students will build a non-trivial, full-featured Capstone App. Each assignment has a rubric to guide you so you know what you need to build for a passing grade. You should expect to spend between 5 and 10 hours each week on your homework.