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What are Assignments in Custom Learning Paths?

Available to our Team & Enterprise members, you can now assign Custom Learning Paths to team members!

Available to all team Admins on their Custom Learning Path tab is the ability to assign specific Custom Learning Paths for team members. This feature is provided so that teams can create their own learning objects for their teams and help them learn on the job towards project goals that actually work with what the team is working on.

Here's how to utilize this new feature in your account as a team Admin:

  1. Create a Custom Learning Path as normal from your Admin Dashboard workspace. You can create as many Custom Learning Paths as needed, so feel free to tailor the tutorials included as much as you'd like. 
  2. Once you have created and saved the Learning Path you'd like to assign, you will see the option to 'Assign to team' button on the Learning Path card, like here:

    Click this button to select from a list of your team members who you'd like to assign this Learning Path.
  3. Once you click to assign the Path to your team, you'll see a full list of team members with assigned seats to select. You can select one or all of your team to assign, and there are no limits to how many you can assign Paths to:

    Once you're happy with the team members selected, click 'Create assignment' to add the Path to the selected team members' Team Library and notify them they have a new assignment.

Viewing assigned custom learning path progress

In case you get curious how your team members are progressing through the content you've assigned, you can click into the 'Assignments' tab on your Custom learning paths page to view a progress report on the specific path created:

Removing and adding team members 

You can add team members to existing learning paths as often as you'd like, as many times as you'd like. To do this, just click the '. . .' symbol to the right side of any path card in your Custom learning path dashboard and select the team members you'd like to add before confirming your choice, like here:

You can also unselect team members you'd like to remove from the path on the same section.

Each time you remove or add a team member to a custom path, they will receive an email notification to let them know what they should be working on and where to find it.

How to edit existing custom learning paths

You can add or remove content from your custom learning path as often as you'd like as long as no team members are currently working their way through the path. For paths where editing has been turned off, you will see a greyed out pencil icon:

To edit the path while team members are assigned, you can always duplicate the path and change the tutorials as needed, and assign team members to the new path instead. Or, you can remove all team members from the path and then edit the tutorials included, then add team members back in to start from the beginning.

Where will my team members see their assigned content?

Team members have a Team Library created for them that offers access to custom learning paths. For paths that have been assigned to them specifically, they can check out their 'Assignments' tab, like here:

In case you have any questions or have trouble accessing features of your account, be sure to reach out to the team for help by emailing us here: enterprisesupport@kodeco.com.